Architecture Design of Packet Switching Network with QoS Guarantee 有QoS保证能力分组交换网络的体系结构设计
Research and Network Simulation of the TDM Circuit Emulation Technology Based on RPR Packet Switching Network 基于RPR分组网的TDM电路仿真技术的研究与网络模拟
They should also be able to explain briefly the use of packets in data transfer in a packet switching network. 学生亦应能概述数据包在数据包交接网络中传送数据的作用。
Research on User-Transfer Technologies in Local Packet Switching Network 北京本地分组交换网用户转网技术研究
Fiber Delay Line Buffer Technology in Optical Packet Switching Network 光分组交换网络中光纤延迟线缓存技术
And through Railway Packet Switching Network the data can access the Railway Branch Locomotive Depots. 再利用铁路分组交换网完成机车运行数据到机务段的实时传输。
Processing of Scheduling Algorithm in Packet Switching Network: Analysis ol Scalability 包交换网络中调度方法进展:扩展性分析
The optical packet switching network is the necessary tendency in the development of all optical network. 光分组交换网是全光网络发展的必然趋势。
Routing lookup is an important technology for IP transmission network and IP-based packet switching network. 路由查找是IP网络传输中或者基于IP构建的通信分组网中的重要组成部分。
A New Algorithm of Using Network Delay to Solve the Routing Problem of Packet Switching Network Based on Genetic Algorithm 基于遗传算法利用网络时延解决路由问题的新算法
From the 90's middle period, the fast development of Internet takes great effect on the telecommunication trade, and multimedia communication system based on the packet switching network becomes the focus of people's concern. 90年代中期以来,Internet的飞速发展对电信业产生了巨大而深远的影响,基于分组交换网络的多媒体通信系统逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。
Analysis of deflection routing in regular optical packet switching network 规则全光分组网络中偏射路由算法的分析
In the packet switching network, packet scheduling algorithms in the routers and switches decide how to serve packets, admission control algorithms decide bandwidth reservation and release. 在分组交换网络中,分组调度算法在交换机和路由器中决定着分组的服务规则,而接入允许控制算法则决定着带宽资源的预留和释放。
A management platform and its application in packet switching network 一个网络管理平台及在分组交换网中的应用
An idea to design and implement a network management platform is introduced in this paper. The application of this platform in packet switching network and the function in implements are also presented. 本文介绍了一个网络管理平台的设计思想及实现,并且介绍了该网络管理平台在分组交换网中的应用及所实现的管理功能。
The Research on Optical Buffer Technology in Optical Packet Switching Network 光分组交换网络中光缓存技术的研究
The packet switching network ( PSN) is a direction of network development of telecommunications. 分组交换网(PSN)是电信网络发展的方向。
New Technology of Optical Packet Switching Network 光分组交换网的新技术
Structure of the Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Photonic Packet Switching Network Based on Single Direction Network Topology and Its Analysis 单向拓扑密集波分复用光分组交换网络结构及性能分析
All-optical buffer and all-optical switch, which have dominant effect on the performance of the switching and routing, have been considered as key components for the optical packet switching network. 光缓存器和光开关是光分组交换网络的关键部件,决定了网络交换和路由的性能。
The optical packet switching network is the necessary tendency of the future high-speed optical network, which not only can completely overcome the electronic bottleneck, but also has a lot of advantages such as ultra-high speed, transparency, flexibility and large capacity. 基于光分组交换的全光网络是未来高速光网络发展的必然趋势。它不仅可以克服通信网络中的电子瓶颈,而且具有高速、透明、灵活、容量大等优势。
Network calculus provides a tool to analysis and calculation queuing issues in packet switching network. 网络微积分提供了一种在包交换网络中分析和计算排队问题的工具。
The ultimate goal of NGN ( Next Generation Network) is to build a packet switching network which can provide voice, images, data, and multimedia business. 下一代网络的终极目标是建设一个能够同时提供话音,图象,数据,多媒体等业务的分组交换网络。
The realization of all-optical packet switching network is an effective solution for this problem. However, all-optical network technology has yet to achieve practical stage due to all-optical signal processing devices, such as the optical buffer and all-optical logic, are not mature. 全光分组交换网络的实现是解决上述问题的一个有效方案,然而由于全光缓存和全光逻辑等信号处理器件的不成熟,全光网络技术还未能达到实用的阶段。
The traditional E-Model has not put packet loss and delay jitter and other problems from packet switching network into consideration, and is modified by researchers. 传统E-Model模型没有考虑到分组交换网中丢包、抖动等问题,人们对其进行了相关改进。
Internet is an open packet switching network built on TCP/ IP protocol. The lack of security considerations when it was designed have led to the current Internet security seriously inadequate. Internet是一个建立在TCP/IP协议基础上的开放的分组交换网,由于其在最初设计时缺乏安全考虑,导致目前Internet的安全性能严重不足。
All-optical packet switching network ( OPS), as a new and effective optical switching solution in optical domain, has broad application prospects. 全光包交换网络(OPS)作为一种新型、有效的光域交换解决方案具有广阔的应用前景。
VoIP transmits the voice data for communication through packet switching network and the communication channel can be shared by multi-partners, which promote the efficient use of network and reduce the cost of voice business. Therefore, VoIP achieves rapid development in the world. VoIP采用分组交换网络进行通信,通信链路可以多方共享,促进了网络资源利用效率,降低了语音业务成本,因此在全球范围内得到了迅速的发展。
So improvement of packet switching network queuing technique become a popular research area along with the increasingly complexity of network environment. 因此网络中排队方法的改进,随着网络环境的日益复杂而成为逐渐研究热点。